KIDS K-6th
This is a hands-on class for young artists to explore, experiment, and share their discoveries. Mix paint to create a range of new colors, create a torn paper collage, fold and curl paper shapes, print patterns, squeeze clay, draw all different types of lines, and construct sculptures and structures with an eclectic range of materials!

Please read the HHAS Policies & Procedures. Fill out the HHAS Behavior Policies and Photo Consent Contract and submit before registering for class. If you are a returning artist, simply log in to your account for faster registration.

Preschool Studio - Thursdays


10:00 - 11:00AM

2-5 years with Caregiver

$30 per Class Block

  • A wide range of tools and materials

  • An abundant museum of objects to peak curiosity

  • A resource library to inspire ideas and expand upon concepts

In the Studio we have…

  • Painting

  • Drawing

  • Sculpture

Classes include all major media:   

  • Collage

  • Fiber arts

  • Printmaking

Other Things To Know